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Lauren Dalton

Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics
Oregon State University

Lauren Dalton

Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics
Oregon State University

Lauren Dalton is an instructor in Biochemistry and Biophysics. She received her Ph.D. at the University of British Columbia and taught there for a year before coming to OSU. She was able to learn from her peers and take advantage of the Carl Weiman Institute at UBC to learn about evidence-based teaching practices.

At OSU, she hopes to take what she has learned in the IE program to help bring awareness of best practices in teaching to her department and OSU as a whole. The IE program gave her a community of trained allies to help facilitate change and has given her many new ideas to enhance her classroom experience.

While not the original goal of her project, one of her proudest moments in applying concepts of the IE training last year was in the spring remote term. Lauren offered an alternative assignment to the final where students could write about the intersection of race and cell biology. Students wrote on a variety of topics which were very engaging but more importantly, this assignment allowed students to wrestle with the current events going on at that moment while also demonstrating their knowledge of the subject. She credits the IE program with giving her the courage to think outside the box and meet her students where they were.


Ph.D., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology